Frequently Asked Questions

EasyTravelPal connects you to local experts in the area you’re travelling, and they’ll be your virtual tour guide answering questions and teaching you about food, destinations, travel, culture and more.

EasyTravelPal was introduced as a cheap and convenient alternative to an in-person tour guide which can range from $300-$2400 per week.  Yikes!

Your questions go in a queue and are answered by the most capable and available travel pal. In the near future we’ll let you choose one single travel pal based on a rating system like AirBnB hosts are.

Of course!  Anyone can signup and it’s free to join.  We pay our travel pals every two weeks.  Fill out the contact form and mention that you’d like to become a travel pal and we’ll be in touch with the next steps.

Since we’re in the early operating stages our service is only available using your browser but we’re launching our app for iOS and Android in the very near future.

All plans come with a money-back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied.  Refund increments are per week and we refund the most recent payment; EG: If a refund is requested after the second subscription payment, then only the first payment will be refunded.  See our Terms and Conditions page for more details.

Our typical response times average between 1 – 3 minutes which may increase during late night hours in the time zone you’re travelling, but we are working toward full 24/7 availability in the coming weeks.

Exclusive to EasyTravelPal, the Pro Plan includes a feature where your travel pal can “write” on top of google maps to indicate routes and destinations for you.

Questions or Comments?

Alternatively, you may use our chat feature to get support.